
Lacing Board


Lacing Board is one of the important fine motor skill activity of Montessori classroom. Two vertical lines & zig-zag pattern.

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Estimated Delivery:
Apr 18 - 25, 2024


Lacing activities help children develop fine motor skills, bilateral coordination, motor planning and visual perceptual skills. In addition, lacing helps children practice the precursor skills for shoe tying and sewing. It is tricky for little hands to manage two separate pieces of thread when trying to tie a knot with “around the thumb” method. Many tots would be proud to learn this practical life skill. This activity is recommended for toddlers with good fine motor control. This type of lacing work is extremely versatile and satisfying to the young child who is beginning to improve their concentration and focus, not to mention their fine motor abilities. These spring lacing activities are perfect winding down activity. Lacing is an excellent example of activities that help a child improve their pincer grip, or the thumb and pointer finger grip. Manipulating a shoe lace through the lacing pattern then getting even finer with a needle and thread is important skill building for a young children!